The little big store turns 6

Six years & counting

Surprises indeed come in small packages and this little big store is filled with it. In fact, it’s the constant surprises that have kept this small player among the retail giants floating merrily in the sea of fashion trading.

Ying Castillo, Desiree Fanlo & Beadworks’ Beth Martin.

For Beadworks, the small boutique in Damosa Gateway in Lanang, the surprises are big but not about fancy fanfares and promo blitzes. It’s about making shopping a very welcoming and personal experience. It’s about stocking the racks and shelves with bits and pieces of carefully chosen items, nothing more than three and never on the same color. It’s about being consistent in keeping clients eager to know what’s coming next. It’s about being current yet never going out of style. It’s about value for money.

Abby del Fierro, Ally Tobias & Jocelyn Tobias

It turned six recently and as always, Beadworks’ store owner and “personal shopper” welcomed all the special people who made this store a regular stop to shop through the years. It was a very intimate affair where frequent shoppers met, dined and shopped with other regulars, and made friends with.

Beth & I catching up with Naty Fortich.

Beth Martin, the hard working, focused and Beadworks’ very own personal shopper, voices out her gratitude, “Thank you so much to our Good Lord for making it through the years despite the coming of the big malls and competitors. We are still here! A big, big THANK YOU to my loyal customers, friends & staff for your unending support for Beadworks all throughout these 6 years.”

Congratulations Beadworks!

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Published in the Sun.Star Davao newspaper on September 26, 2014.