Before we move on to more parties in 2017, let me tell you about a few more gatherings that made the recent holidays merry.
The December 2016 calendar was penned with red dots as reminders of engagements to attend. Party was almost a daily occurrence and with that, a different buffet everyday. Everyone gets a no diet pass on this month.
With everybody out of their houses to party or shop, heavy traffic and lack of public transportation posed as big problems. I believe it came earlier this year. What normally starts on the 15th came as early as the 10th. Thus, this commuting writer missed out on several parties during the period.
How many did I miss? Quite a few, not to mention the temporary scheduled dates with friends flying back home from all over. Catching up is really hard to do when everyone has an own agenda.
Last month, I wrote about the parties I was able to attend, but it was impossible to fit everything in one story. Here’s another one.
How fun is it to turn a simple lunch date into an instant party? This was what transpired in a ramen place early December. Over lunch, all tables were taken by groups of friends you know, people I was going to party with sometime in the month. Call this one a primer.
The local spa organization, DavWell, held a joint Christmas party and induction of officers event in one gathering. Why they wanted a fairy themed event, I don’t know. Maybe because they can do magic and make you feel good after a therapy. That made sense.
The family is growing and welcoming beauty salons, said the new president, Cherry Al-ag, because the definition of wellness has grown to include beauty, and as long as the interested parties adhere to the government regulations, a spa can be a member.
A holiday filled with magic. Fairy themed party at the DavWell Christmas gathering & induction of officers.
After setting the “inclusivity” principle in its formative stage, where the spa owners got organized, the next step is to make sure all its members, especially those endorsed by the DoT, follow the standards of cleanliness and quality of service.
The fairies will be busy in 2017.
In the next party, the “usual suspects” had to go in red. The festive color matched the usual festival buffet of our host. Diet is left at the doorstep when dining in this home.
Children’s games are always part of the gathering. This time however, the adult (not us but the parents), got to play. It was a riot.
After the 25th, DoT Secretary Wanda Teo hosted the yearend party for the media and tourism partners.
In her short welcome remarks, she shred the exciting plans of the department for 2017, one of which is the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant slated this January. In this global spectacle, Miguel Trocio, Davao Oriental Provincial Tourism Officer, won a front seat ticket Teo raffled off.
Merry Christmas indeed! DoT Sec. Wanda Teo & DoT XI RD Robby Alabado flanks Miguel Trocio, raffle winner of a front row seat in the coming Miss Universe Beauty Pageant in Manila
But I didn’t have to wait too long for a beauty to be crowned a winner. At the next party, Thea, who offered to show me around Stockholm, came home to Davao and hosted a party.
However, it was no ordinary holiday gathering but an engagement announcement. Now that is a winner.
Capping 2016 is my dad’s birthday party, which was celebrated with family over dinner, and continued on to the New Year at the stroke of midnight.
Always a merry way to end & start a year. Dad’s birthday & welcoming the New Year is always best celebrated with family.
Starting a year is always best with family.
Now, on to the next set of parties this 2017.
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Also published in the SunStar Davao newspaper.