Try these 12 dishes on Cafe Uno's Kadayawan Fiesta Dabawenyo buffet at Waterfront Davao

Waterfront Insular Davao unveils its 2023 Kadayawan Festival culinary offering - Kadayawan Fiesta at Cafe Uno Restaurant, offered on all weekends of August, from Friday to Sunday. Presenting an array of Davao iconic dishes, the feast promises to immerse diners to an experience of flavors that's Authentically Davao and Uniquely Waterfront. 

Cafe Uno's Dabawenyo Fiesta-themed buffet selections are wide and varied, which includes a soup, 11 salads and appetizers, 12 main courses and 9 dessert choices - all certainly delicious - and makes the Php 1,288 tag a steal. 

From soup to dessert, here are 12 dishes you must try & worth having a second (or third) serving of: (marking personal favorites with a red star)

1. Beef Tapa (prepared with home made tuba vinegar) 

2. Waterfront Pomelo Salad 

3. Crocodile Civet Coffee Rub

4. Humba Dabawenyo 

5. Native Chicken Adobo sa Gata 

6. Lechon Baka

7. Fish Piyalam

8. Chicken Piyanggang (signature dish in palayok)

9. Shrimp Piaparan (signature dish in palayok)

10. Sayur Langka (signature dish in palayok) 

11. Durian Cheesecake

12. Malagos Chocolate Cake