What inspires you? For artist Daryl Descallar it is Jesus that motivated him to create artworks that lead to the mounting of his first solo exhibit entitled, “Chiaroscuro, Journey to the Light.”
“It was in college when I was introduced to the Light. He was the One I thought I knew as a religion, but was later surprised that He touched me in a personal and life changing way. His name is Jesus,” said the artist.
The title of the exhibition also depicts a time in the artist’s life when he was losing his eyesight due to an auto-immune disease. He was ready for the worst but he kept praying for a miracle.
And a miracle did come. Through laser treatment and with God’s intervention the damage was arrested. This was 32 years ago.
For his Chiaroscuro (meaning the treatment of light and shade in drawing and painting) exhibition, Daryl employs the impasto technique (laying on paint or pigment thickly so that it stands out from the surface) on his 25 artworks painted on linen material.
Each of the painting is based on a (New King James Version) Bible story—a passage from II Timothy 1:12 gave rise to a portrait of “Paul, The Faithful”; Psalms 36:7 is interpreted though an eagle and her young in “Refuge”; and “Soon” is a painting of a horse based on Revelation 19:11-16.
“I hope that my version of the Bible stories or verses will give honor to the Word of God and to the true Master. It is my desire that the paintings will point the viewer to who He is and reflect on their personal lives through the eyes of God. As a co-struggler in this beautiful world filled with uncertainties, we will always find hope in God,” said Daryl.
Celebrating with Daryl in this journey were his friends and family.
Congratulations Daryl!
Also published in the SunStar Davao newspaper.
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