Liquid, it’s pouring again

Can anyone ever forget how it feels to rear a child? Not me, I can even say I breastfed this baby to stardom.

Liquid was the club to be in and to be seen in its heydays. The music was hip and sewn seamlessly by the top DJs in the country. That only happened in this club. Where can you ever find a place so hip that DJs from all over would come knocking on the door offering to do a gig in the club?

Spinning magic. DJs who have played in Liquid.

Even with the implementation of the No Smoking Ban, Liquid weathered the change. The good times kept on pouring.

But like any other clubs, Liquid’s scalding fluid will have to cool down and take its bow. It was a fantastic run, I will admit, for a “club life”.

Now, the Blue Room at the Apo View is reliving Liquid’s hip days within its azure interiors every Saturday. At the launching of “Liquid Nights”, it was great to hear the club tunes that filled the hall of Liquid back in the early 2000s. And even better, the faces of Liquid’s loyal clubbers were present.

It felt nothing much has changed -- the vibe, the music and the fellowship that was forged back then is very much alive.

Liquid Nights happen at the Blue Room, Apo View Hotel, every Saturday. Check it out.

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Published in Sun.Star newspaper on August 4, 2012.

On opening night..... Liquid in shade of blue at the Blue Room.

and not so blue...