Happy dragons, galloping horses

Dragons have every reason to be happy in the Year of the Horse.

I’M NOT a horse I just look like one (so I was told). A dragon is what I am and this year the lucky stars are shining brightly upon me (hey Smaug, are you reading this?). 

Welcome the Year of the Horse. Do I really look like his?

The Year of the Horse will allow me to possess the power to rule and to scare away any challenges, and give me a great opportunity to realize ambitions and strive for success. I will have to be humble of these achievements though, it will keep the envious at bay. Most interestingly, I have permission to work less and play more (well, maybe primarily for health reasons). Who am I to argue with what the stars say?

Marco Polo GM Anthony Tan & guest of honor, Mr. Juanito Yap, giving life to the lion.

Father, child & the lion claiming the ampao

Although there are other signs more blessed than the dragon, it’s good to know that I can be chummy with the energetic, warm-hearted, intelligent and able horse this 2014, which by the way, is a good year for the women (the Rooster women most especially) in the aspect of romance. Ladies, excited much? Do I hear hearts beating as fast as galloping horses on a racetrack?

She's going to be lucky this year. The most adorable guest of the evening.

Along with the lucky-in-love opposite sex, I went to the Marco Polo Hotel to welcome the arrival of the Wooden Horse on the eve of the lunar year. The annual gathering hosted by the hotel to celebrate the Chinese New Year with the traditional Lion Dance to bless the establishment followed by a sumptuous feast at the Lotus Court is always much anticipated. This year, it drew a bigger crowd.

Lucky tree & lanterns adorn the Marco Polo Davao lobby

The lions came out to dance...

No firecrackers popped (it’s illegal in the city) but there was an explosion of good vibes from the happy souls in the party, which was more than enough to ward off any unpleasant spirit in the vicinity.

Hey-hey! My favorite performers from Sakya

The lion & the monkey

Dancing with the lions, dancing to the beat of the drums, wearing a lucky a color, having a fill of the ever-empowering Lotus Court buchi, plus a chi balancing massage therapy at Lazuli Spa, it was a very good preparation for this dragon to welcome the galloping horse.

Woot! Lucky pabaon in the Year of the Horse.

Empowering amulet--the Lotus Court buchi!

If you ask me, no matter what zodiac sign you were born into, nothing can really substitute for staying positive and working hard. Remember that the Universe’s generosity is infinite and what we need is already around us, all we have to do is ask and all the blessings will come pouring in.

Crouching lions, hidden dragon. I am one happy & lucky dragon....again.

Kung hei fat choi! May good fortune, good health, prosperity and love gallop into your lives in the Year of the Horse.

How much does the fortune cookie really know?