Evolve, Halloween has, & have fun!

It’s that time of the year again. After the kids have collected their treats and were tucked in bed, it was time for the adults to play dress up.

Whose memoir are you reading?

Out to play with thrones

Dress up in costumes and have fun. Yes, it’s the adult’s consolation after shelling out a fortune on their kids’ costumes for trick or treating, not to mention their own loot to give away to those knocking on their doors.

Despicable booze
OctoberFest girl & her b--- . I'm referring to the bottle

Off duty?

The commercial world is happy. Did you know that Halloween comes second to Christmas in terms of expenditures? There are more treats that end up in sacks and pumpkin than in those Holiday socks. Don’t forget the costumes and decors, which are used only for a day or two.

But all these worries about cost magically disappears when you see a kid smiles. Isn’t it priceless?

No big bad wolf to worry about

Wazzup Duff?

The country's best bet against the NAIA scammers

So are you reading her memoir?.. or..

The root of Halloween is about spirits of the dead rising on this night and that evil one who collects them. Somewhere along the history line, witches and ghouls came into the picture, and further down, the zombies. Thus, you see those creatures prancing about town. As to how many of them are ‘the real thing’, we really don’t know.

The only spook to make the cut in my list

I took his picture

What I love though is how this tradition has evolved and equated to a celebration of fun that challenges the imagination. Frankly, I find the whole gory zombie, witches and demons thing boring (but some come up with fantastic make-up). Where’s the fun in that? Sadako, a character I should have resurrected, can beat those monsters without moving from a corner anytime. Oh well, maybe next year.

Nah, I'm not biting you.

These kind skip to attack.

I went to a couple of dress up parties, one in Seda and the other in Huckleberry. My too-simple gears managed to take home the loots—my boat hat (that we use to make with newspaper when we were kids) and the yukata garb, both a bit tame I must admit.

Child's play at Seda, but this paper boat took home a prize.

So did this yukata garb… :) 

Years ago, I would have hopped from a bar to another across the city to see who’s wearing what. Since everyone is doing the hopping, I chose to stay at Huckleberry (where I don’t look too old for the crowd - no pun intended) and enjoy their really good finger foods while waiting for the costumed ones enter. Wise move on my part.

If I have to go out at night, Huckleberry is a place I can hang out it.

So whom did I like best? Remy of Ratatouille was good and Penis Man, throbbing again and getting the stares, Duff Beer had his ammunition ready and Lady Gaga was glimmering.

 What's for dessert? Surprise me!

Penis Man was out throbbing again

Lady Gaga glimmers

Like I said, Halloween has evolved, so should we. Out with the monsters, please. Remember, the only spirit that rises on this night is FUN. Lighten up, no one goes out to offend anyone.


For more lifestyle & travel stories, visit http://apples-and-lemons.blogspot.com/ and http://jeepneyjinggoy.blogspot.com/

Published in the Sun.Star Davao newspaper on November 08, 2015.

What Daft Funk!

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Show me the helmet! LOL

Bad boy at the bar.


No bullets. Davao bred so they're the good guys