3 easy steps to kickoff a healthy 2019

The feasting is over. You can stop with the goodbye diet/cheat days/holiday break or whatever name you call your excuse to indulge on the Christmas season’s spreads. It was difficult to resist the lechons and desserts, especially with everyone around you into the celebration. You might as well jump in the wagon.

But it’s time to get moving. Look for a motivation, like be kind to your heart and that ideal body shape will follow. Burn the fats and flush off those toxins now!

Here’s are three easy steps to detox and jumpstart a healthy lifestyle this 2019.


1. Go get those fibers. In place of the holiday binging on bacon and ham, start the day with healthy oats or muesli. Oats are rich in antioxidants, it can lower cholesterol levels and protect LDL cholesterol from damage, improve blood sugar, and it’s very filling that it can help you lose weight. Overnight oats are the easiest to prepare. It is delicious, like dessert, that you won’t feel deprived.


High in fiber. tastycebuph.com’s easy-to-prepare for 4 Berry Muesli Yogurt Parfait. Get the ingredients at Marks & Spencer  (tastycebuph.com photo)


The salad may be a drastic change from the holiday food choices, but there are salad recipes that are really good. My tip: have someone prepare it. The idea of preparing it yourself will sway you from the diet plan.

Check out tastycebuph.com’s recipe for 4 Berry Muesli Yogurt Parfait. It takes 5 minutes to prepare with three ingredients, including Marks & Spencer muesli and honey.


2. Walk. Exercise is one of the most difficult activity to do after a month of sloth-ing. Start slow and you’ll gain the momentum.


Walking is the least strenuous of all exercises. Hit the outdoor tracks of Holiday Gym

“Walking is the least strenuous of all exercises. But in your workout gear imagining that ideal body, the walk will lead to brisk walking and into a slow jog. You don’t know the power of a droplet of perspiration. It can push you to working out for more,” said Holiday Gym manager, Ivy Fernandez.

Holiday Gym has an outdoor track and treadmills. My personal favorite is the trampoline. It’s like jogging in place yet kinder to your knees.


3. Head to a day spa and flush off those toxins. It may be your after-exercise treat, but it’s actually therapy.

Start with the therapy at the steam room or sauna. Fifteen minutes in the heated chamber can soothe the tired muscles, improve circulation, and flush toxins off your body. Long-term sauna use plus aerobic exercise is good for your heart.


The sauna and a good massage can do wonders for your body. Head to Lazuli Spa at Marco Polo Davao, it's the best day spa in the city

The massage will put you into deep state of calm and relaxation, thanks to the release of endorphins, the brain chemicals that gives the happy feelings. While the session will loosen tense muscle, it will also improve circulation, stimulate the lymphatic system and reduce the levels of stress hormones—all of which are good for the body-and heart.

Overall, you’ll feel beautiful inside and out, because the therapy can make your skin glow.

Lazuli Spa at Marco Polo Davao is the best day spa in the city. The spa offers a good list of treatments and the therapists are well-trained. The private rooms have its own shower area which doubles as a steam room. Most importantly, the entire spa is very clean.


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Email me at jinggoysalvador@yahoo.com


Also published in the SunStar Davao newspaper